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* Name - get.hc
* ccs version: 1.4
* ccsid: @(#)get.hc 1.4 - 11/03/92 14:55:59
* from: ccs/s.get.hc
* date: 06/28/93 09:14:48
* Description: image grabbing functions for xgrabsc
* see cpyright.h for copyright information
* Get the image bounded by the given rectangle.
* The associated colormap information is also extracted and returned.
* TRUE is returned if an image was successfully grabbed, and FALSE
* otherwise.
getImage(xrect, image, window, cmapwindow)
XRectangle *xrect;
imageInfo *image;
Window window, cmapwindow;
XImage *ximage;
int depth, ncolors, cmapSize, numCmaps;
int h, w;
long i;
XColor colors[MAX_CELLS];
Colormap *cmaps, cmap;
if (xrect->width == 0 || xrect->height == 0)
return FALSE;
/* get the image */
depth = DefaultDepth(hDisplay, hScreen);
ximage = XGetImage(hDisplay, window,
xrect->x, xrect->y, xrect->width, xrect->height, AllPlanes,
depth==1 ? XYPixmap : ZPixmap);
image->ximage = ximage;
/* get the colormap info */
if (cmapwindow != (Window)NULL)
cmaps = XListInstalledColormaps(hDisplay, cmapwindow, &numCmaps);
cmaps = XListInstalledColormaps(hDisplay, window, &numCmaps);
if (numCmaps == 0)
cmap = DefaultColormap(hDisplay, hScreen);
else {
cmap = *cmaps;
if (numCmaps > 1)
"%s: more than one colormap found - using first encountered",
ncolors = DisplayCells(hDisplay, hScreen);
/* this won't cut the mustard for DirectColor */
for (i=0; i<ncolors; i++)
colors[i].pixel = i;
XQueryColors(hDisplay, cmap, colors, ncolors);
for (i=0; i<ncolors; i++) {
image->red[i] = colors[i].red;
image->green[i] = colors[i].green;
image->blue[i] = colors[i].blue;
/* figure out which colormap entries are actually used by the image */
ncolors = cmapSize = 0;
memset((char *)image->used, 0, MAX_CELLS);
for (h=0; h<ximage->height; h++)
for (w=0; w<ximage->width; w++) {
i = XGetPixel(ximage, w, h);
if (!image->used[i]) {
image->used[i] = TRUE;
if (i+1 > cmapSize) /* keep track of colormap size */
cmapSize = i+1;
image->numcells = cmapSize;
if (verbose)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: image has %d colors\n", programName, ncolors);
return TRUE;
* Let the user stretch a rectangle on the screen and return its values.
* It may be wise to grab the server before calling this routine. If the
* screen is allowed to change during XOR drawing video droppings may result.
XRectangle *xrect;
XEvent event;
unsigned int x, y, rootx, rooty;
GC gc;
Cursor pointer1, pointer2;
int boxDrawn = False;
int rx, ry, rw, rh;
/* get some cursors for rectangle formation */
pointer1 = XCreateFontCursor(hDisplay, XC_ul_angle);
pointer2 = XCreateFontCursor(hDisplay, XC_lr_angle);
/* grab the pointer */
if (GrabSuccess != XGrabPointer(hDisplay, hRoot, False, ButtonPressMask,
GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, hRoot, pointer1, CurrentTime)) {
fprintf(stderr,"%s - could not grab pointer!\n", programName);
/* create a graphics context to draw with */
gc = XCreateGC(hDisplay, hRoot, 0, NULL);
if (!gc) {
fprintf(stderr,"%s - could not get drawing resources\n", programName);
XSetSubwindowMode(hDisplay, gc, IncludeInferiors);
XSetForeground(hDisplay, gc, 255);
XSetFunction(hDisplay, gc, GXxor);
/* get a button-press and pull out the root location */
XMaskEvent(hDisplay, ButtonPressMask, &event);
rootx = rx = event.xbutton.x_root;
rooty = ry = event.xbutton.y_root;
/* get pointer motion events */
XChangeActivePointerGrab(hDisplay, ButtonMotionMask | ButtonReleaseMask,
pointer2, CurrentTime);
/* MAKE_RECT converts the original root coordinates and the event root
* coordinates into a rectangle in xrect */
#define MAKE_RECT(etype) \
x = event.etype.x_root; \
y = event.etype.y_root; \
rw = x - rootx; \
if (rw < 0) rw = -rw; \
rh = y - rooty; \
if (rh < 0) rh = -rh; \
rx = x < rootx ? x : rootx; \
ry = y < rooty ? y : rooty
/* loop to let the user drag a rectangle */
while (TRUE) {
XNextEvent(hDisplay, &event);
switch(event.type) {
case ButtonRelease:
if (boxDrawn) {
XDrawRectangle(hDisplay, hRoot, gc, rx, ry, rw, rh);
boxDrawn = False;
/* record the final location */
/* release resources */
XFreeGC(hDisplay, gc);
XFreeCursor(hDisplay, pointer1);
XFreeCursor(hDisplay, pointer2);
xrect->x = rx;
xrect->y = ry;
xrect->width = rw;
xrect->height = rh;
XUngrabPointer(hDisplay, CurrentTime);
XSync(hDisplay, FALSE);
return True;
case MotionNotify:
if (boxDrawn) {
XDrawRectangle(hDisplay, hRoot, gc, rx, ry, rw, rh);
boxDrawn = False;
while (XCheckTypedEvent(hDisplay, MotionNotify, &event))
XDrawRectangle(hDisplay, hRoot, gc, rx, ry, rw, rh);
boxDrawn = True;
* find the window under the mouse pointer when one of the bits in keyMask
* is satisfied.
Window getWindowWhenKeyIsPressed(keyMask)
unsigned int keyMask;
Bool status;
Window result;
Window root, child;
int root_x, root_y, win_x, win_y;
unsigned int keys_buttons;
if (verbose)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: waiting for keypress\n", programName);
do {
status = XQueryPointer(hDisplay, vRoot, &root, &child,
&root_x, &root_y, &win_x, &win_y, &keys_buttons);
if (!status)
return (Window)0;
} while ((keyMask != 0) && ((keyMask & keys_buttons) == 0));
if (child == (Window)0) {
if (verbose) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: unable to find a non-root window under pointer.\n",
fprintf(stderr, "%s: using root window.\n", programName);
result = (Window)vRoot;
result = child;
if (verbose)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: returning window id %d\n", programName, result);
return result;
* choose a window as in xwd
Window getWindow() {
int status;
Cursor cursor;
XEvent event;
Window result;
result = None;
cursor = XCreateFontCursor(hDisplay, XC_target);
status = XGrabPointer(hDisplay, vRoot, FALSE,
ButtonPressMask|ButtonReleaseMask, GrabModeSync,
GrabModeAsync, hRoot, cursor, CurrentTime);
if (status != GrabSuccess) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't grab mouse\n", programName);
while (TRUE) {
XAllowEvents(hDisplay, SyncPointer, CurrentTime);
XWindowEvent(hDisplay, vRoot, ButtonPressMask|ButtonReleaseMask, &event);
switch (event.type) {
case ButtonRelease:
result = event.xbutton.subwindow;
if (result == None)
result = hRoot;
XUngrabPointer(hDisplay, CurrentTime); /* Done with pointer */
if (verbose)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: found window with id 0x%x\n", programName, result);
return result;